Monday, May 8, 2017

Upcoming movies in 2017

Trainspotting 2

Trainspotting 2

Director Danny Boyle has brought the entire gang back for 'T2: Trainspotting': Ewan McGregor, Ewen Bremner, Jonny Lee Miller and Robert Carlyle. The plot is loosely inspired by ‘Porno’, Irvine Welsh’s sequel and we can't wait. ‘It's 20 years later and they have all moved on,' producer Andrew Macdonald has said of Renton et al. 'They are at different places in their lives and some of them may even have children.’
Star Wars: Episode VIII

Star Wars: Episode VIII

Will Luke train Rey as a Jedi? Will Chewie get over Han's death? Will Kylo Ren succeed in his quest to have the galaxy's most luxurious hair? Will Finn wake up from that coma and have a hot, steamy affair with Poe Dameron? All this, and much much more as the 'Star Wars' saga continues. Daisy Ridley has promised that Rey's parentage will be revealed, and the film couldn't be in safer hands than 'Looper' director Rian Johnson.
La La Land

La La Land

Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone reunite in this joyus modern day musical, set in the city of dreams. He's a brooding jazz pianist and she's an aspiring actress. 'La La Land' is heartbreaking and uplifting in equal measure – and definitely headed for the Academy Awards.
Blade Runner 2049

Blade Runner 2049

It was the sequel no one thought they wanted... until Harrison Ford signed up, Ryan Gosling got cast and 'Sicario' director Denis Villeneuve jumped on board. Now it's arguably the most anticipated film of the year, picking up the story of Ford's android-killer-who-might-be-one-himself 30 years after the events of the original sci-fi classic. If it's half as beautiful – stay away from that CGI, Denis! – we'll be satisfied.


Few filmmakers tell grander stories than Christopher Nolan, and stories don’t come much grander than the British retreat from Dunkirk in the face of overwhelming Nazi forces. This looks like a modern-day version of one of those sprawling wartime epics you used to watch on bank holiday afternoons. The cast is typically impressive, with Cillian Murphy, Tom Hardy, Kenneth Branagh, Mark Rylance and One Direction moppet Harry Styles just the tip of a massive iceberg. Expect plenty of pluck, derring-do and explosions.

Murder on the Orient Express

‘Murder on the Orient Express’ is one of Agatha Christie’s greatest detective stories, finishing with the mother of all twists. This all-star new adaptation features Kenneth Branagh as moustache-twiddling Poirot, with Judi Dench, Johnny Depp and Daisy Ridley playing his fellow guests on the glamorous Orient Express.
Kong: Skull Island

Kong: Skull Island

Tom Hiddleston v a massive ape? Where do we sign? Pitched as a King Kong origin story, this tale of mysterious islands and giant primates takes place in the 1970s, as a team of US Marines fresh from Vietnam join a band of explorers on a lost Pacific isle. The cast is terrific: Brie Larson, Samuel L Jackson, and John Goodman join Hiddles on his epic quest.

Thor: Ragnarok

We've been hearing lots of interesting things about 'Ragnarok'. Taika Waititi, the New Zealand director and friend of the Conchords (whose last film 'Hunt for the Wilderpeople' was an absolute joy), was the perfect choice to bring a little humour to the Marvel-verse. He's promising a 'crazy' movie with an '’80s vibe', with stars Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston returning. The whole thing just screams fun.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

The original 'Guardians' was one of the most purely enjoyable blockbusters in years. Let's hope this sequel can keep the party going. Everyone from the first movie is back – the raccoon, the tree, the big angry guy, the green woman and Chris Pratt – and the story is set to focus on Star Lord's search for his mysterious Dad. That said, writer-director James Gunn has promised stronger female characters this time, promising that: 'We not only pass the Bechdel test, but run over it and back up over it again.’

Manchester by the Sea

Playwright and filmmaker Kenneth Lonergan (‘You Can Count on Me’) returns with the devastating story of a lonely man (Casey Affleck) back in his home town to deal with the death of his brother. The film is a masterpiece: devastatingly funny and heartbreakingly sad.

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